Parama Suha Salai
The Dohnavur Fellowship’s Health Education and Care Program is named Parama Suha Salai, which means, ‘Place of Heavenly Healing’ in Tamil. It can accommodate 70 beds, with a large out-patient attendance of around 40000 per year. One of the key components of the work done here is the care of the medical needs of around 370 members belonging to the Fellowship and the healthcare of around 700 children and staff residing at the Santhosha Vidhyalaya school.
Parama Suha Salai has full time doctors and multiple visiting doctors who volunteer their time for the work of treating the sick.
Dental Care
Quality Dental care is provided to residents of the fellowship as well as those from nearby villages and towns.
Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy)Treatment
Hansen’s Disease formerly known as leprosy still has a lot of stigma attached to it in most parts of India.The onset of the condition usually means not only physical difficulty but also social exclusion to those affected by it. The Fellowship provides treatment in an accepting environment for those going though this difficult ailment.
Geriatric(Old Age) Care
The challenges of old age are many fold. Geriatic Care at the Parama Suha Salai addresses these challenges, taking care of the physical, emotional and health needs of over 130 senior citizens with love and patience.
For more information please feel free to contact us here.
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